Electronic attendance policy

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Electronic attendance policy

The attendance policy in aims to clarify the organizational procedures for simultaneous electronic attendance, where electronic attendance refers Synchronous to virtual presence in virtual classes and ensuring the trainee's presence in real time for the lesson, so organizational policies and procedures have been developed for synchronous electronic attendance, which are as follows:

  • Electronic attendance through virtual classes is considered equivalent to regular attendance.

  • Attendance hours are offered via synchronous virtual classes at a minimum of 25% of Program/course hours when training is provided in the asynchronous electronic mode in programs that are longer than a month.

  • Attendance hours are offered via synchronous virtual classes at a minimum of 25% of Program hours in the case of blended learning (whether virtual or regular attendance) in programs that are longer than a month.

  • Everyone's commitment to attend according to the training program's time plan.

  • The trainee must attend at least (...%) ) of the hours allocated to the program in which you are registered.

  • Attendance and absence are recorded, documented and followed up according to the following mechanism:< /p>

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  • In the event that the trainee does not adhere to the minimum “electronic attendance” percentage - which Approved – This will apply the following actions:

Excused absence:

.................... .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..........................................

Unexcused absence:

.................... .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..........................................

This attendance policy applies to all trainees enrolled at , and we are committed to ensuring that this policy is implemented All employees of the entity are also committed to it, and any violation of this policy exposes the violator to disciplinary action according to the procedures followed in .